Tuesday, July 17, 2007

We're Making a Memory!

When I was growing up, a frequent phrase in our house was, "We're making a memory!" Usually this occurred when some situation or event didn't go as planned and instead of dwelling on the disaster that happened or the unpleasantness we were faced with, my mom would pipe up with, "We're making a memory. We won't forget this!" It was a brilliant way for my mom to turn grumbling, complaining and potential bad attitudes into a positive experience.

For example, I recall the time when we were travelling through the Palm Desert in California by train to visit our grandma and of all disasters to occur, the air conditioning quit working. Not a problem if it's frigid outside, but when it is over 100 degrees and three young children are cooped up in a train car, the whining is inevitable. Perhaps we began to do this, I'm not sure, but what does stick in my memory is that quip, "We're making a memory, kids! We certainly won't forget the summer that the air conditioning stopped in the sweltering heat of Southern California!" Since that time, the three of us siblings actually look for opportunities to "make a memory" with our own children. And, let me tell you, if you haven't already figured out how life works, there are plenty of potential "make a memory" events!

Just this summer, while my oldest two children were travelling with their grandparents in Whistler, Canada, they pinpointed a "memory" moment. As they rode the gondola down the side of Blackcomb Mountain, they viewed two bears doing "it" in public. Not only that, but the papa bear aggressively pulled mama bear underneath him. Talk about a lesson about the bears and the bees. If my two teens didn't know about sex before, they do now! Of course, my mom (grandma) had to get it on film, so they have a constant visual of the act in progress.

Last, but certainly not least, is our airplane saga earlier this summer when Tony, M and I were flying to Seattle. Not only was our flight delayed getting to Chicago thereby causing us to miss our connecting flight to Seattle, but the next flight we were scheduled to take was also delayed, not once but three times. We became well acquainted with the very nice food court at the airport and planted ourselves in some comfortable seats for a long wait. Ever entertain a very active 6 year old while waiting hours for a plane? You know, those new toys and books one purchases to make the plane trip exciting and fun and not long? Yep, we used them in the airport instead!

Finally, we board the plane, taxi to the runway and wait to make sure that threatening thunderstorms and lightening aren't going to ground us from flying. At this point, everyone is anxious to be airborne to Seattle when a jolt from behind stuns all the passengers. "Did we just get hit?" is the only thing flying through the air now. There's a light stirring of panic as an odd odor fills the cabin. I'm thinking, "Hmmm, I wonder if we might blow up" when the pilot confirms over the intercom that yes, another plane's wing has hit our tail and they will be assessing the damage. Great! We haven't even been in this plane twenty minutes, and now we've been hit on the tarmac no less. Guess what I'm thinking by now? Yep, this is a fantastic day for memory making! I'm choosing not to panic, not to think about that I've already spent way too much time in the Chicago airport and about to have an even more intimate relationship with it, not to worry about missing out on time with my family in Seattle because Chicago wants me more and most importantly not to become more loony with M who has already exhausted her backpack full of fun. Nope, this is a day to just relax and spend some quality time in Chicago, not going to the Navy Pier, not going to the American Girl Place, not going the Field Museum or Aquarium, but instead seeing the sights and developing relationships in the airport. Just what I always wanted to do.

Continuing on with the saga, we discovered that the odor filtering into the cabin was merely hydraulic fluid which would not injure us in any way, thank goodness! And, the fire engines that arrived on the scene checked to make sure that we did not immediately need to disembark. Shew! The pilot informed us that since they were unable now to steer the plane, we were waiting for a vehicle to tow us back to the gate (no! no! no!). I wanted to scream, "I want to see my mommy", but felt sure it wouldn't help the situation. Of course, then we had to wait for the thunder and lightening, which had begun while we were lingering on the runway, to subside before a vehicle could tow us. We used this time wisely to do some more relationship building with our newfound friends. Cell phones were madly put to use as folks called family and friends to inform them of our predicament. Many were trying to book new flights to Seattle. We simply relaxed and chatted wondering how this many people were going to get rebooked on different flights. We heard rumors of no flights available until Friday...and this was Wednesday!

After the storm subdued, we finally arrived at our destination...the gate! Everyone cheered when the powers that be announced that a new plane was on its way to get us in the air at our new flight time of 6 pm. Yea! We'd only been in Chicago since 11 am getting to know our surroundings. Everyone groaned when a new announcement reported that although we had the new plane, we now needed a new flight crew. I guess the old one had been grounded for investigation. Our new flight time was now 9 pm. Well, we figured we had time to grab something to eat, so it was back to round two at the Chicago airport food court. Our biggest decision was which restaurant should we eat at this time? Of course, M's choice was McDonald chicken nuggets again!

Well, the rest of the story is basically history except for waiting for Clarence, the story I already related in an earlier blog! We flew as planned at 9 pm, arrived in Seattle around 11:30, rode a shuttle to our destination, arriving at 12:30 pm, and slumbered into dreamland an hour later...which incidentally was about 4:30 am our time. The longest day of our lives? Might be! Full of mishaps and unfortunate circumstances? Assuredly yes! Chock full of memories and situations we can turn into positive? Most definitely!

There is a point to this madness. In the midst of this odd day, there were many who were angry, many who were demanding to talk to the head personnel, many who panicked. Yet I also saw many who took this frustrating day in stride and made the best of it. One gentleman actually filmed the dangling tail of the plane and all the emergency vehicles outside our plane and donated his burned CD of the event to TV news people. Those who chose to remain relaxed in the face of chaos, transform a horrible event into something memorable and trade potential bad attitudes with cheerful dispositions were clearly better off. They were "making a memory" as we all have the opportunity to do every time life doesn't go as planned. When I get lemons, I'm going to choose to make some lemonade!

1 comment:

Joni said...

You did it! Your blog looks great, friend. And I loved your story about "making a memory". Of course, I've heard you say that to us girls before, I do believe. ;) Perhaps Beth Moore in Indy when we couldn't find parking? Anyway, I can't wait to see you so we can make more memories. At Panera, and Target, and Starbucks, and Scholars...you get the picture!