Friday, July 13, 2007

Clarence, who?

I have a quick minute to post something before I run out yet again to deliver another child to his designated activity. This morning was cheer camp; this afternoon is Sounds of South camp! At some other point, I will relay the entire saga of our day spent in the Chicago airport, but for now, I will just mention another "Maddie" story.

As we were getting ready to fly out of the Chicago airport, we spent many minutes sitting on the plane waiting to get airborne. Maddie complained, "When are we going to go, mom? Why aren't we leaving, yet?" "I think we're waiting for clearance, honey." Seconds later, she asks, "Who's Clarence?" Out of the mouth of babes come the funniest things! And, for all I know, maybe that co-pilot we were waiting for was named Clarence!

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