Friday, December 14, 2007

Nothing to Blab About

Ok, so it took me 10 minutes just to create my creativeless blog title. Why? Because, frankly, I have nothing to blab about. This is why I've given my blog a new makeover. Perhaps, it will fool the numerous people (I think I'm up to 4 now) who visit my blog into thinking that I've actually written something new, amazing, life-changing. One person actually wrote a comment on one of my older blogs that I needed to write something new. Hmmmm.....wish I could think of something to write about.

It's an overwhelmingly busy time for me as well as several hundred million other people during the holiday season, so I've been taking the time to take care of my "to do" list items such as bake cookies, write the traditional Christmas letter that everyone dreads getting from me, Christmas shop and mail all the gifts to family that live far away from me (which is absolutely everyone...that's depressing), attend Christmas concerts, Christmas parties, gymnastics meets and surf the internet looking for a gift for my husband. I've decided that I'm not getting the $960 Colts tickets after all. It's a good thing that blogging is not on my "to do" list these days because I have nothing to say. You've probably figured that out by now.

I'll just provide those who care with an update on our lives in the last month since I've blogged:

Nick has his first girlfriend, Kyla. He's ga-ga over her. (Let me know if you need a definition of "ga-ga". When he mentioned to me about going to the prom with her in the Spring and I sort of replied with something like, "What if you aren't going out with her then? Aren't you a little premature?" He scoffed at me, "It's not like junior high, mom, where people go together for just a couple of weeks." Excuse me! I didn't realize the level of maturity I was dealing with. You'll see what I mean when you read below how junior highers deal with relationships. I'm completely aghast at the immaturity.

Alix "went" with a boy (they don't go anywhere at 13) for 2 weeks (might be the longest time yet), broke up with him and promptly "went" with another boy for a week. She broke up with him because she didn't like him anymore. Her likes don't last long. I suggested she just "be friends" with boys for awhile. When Alix was in 7th grade, I chronicled her first boyfriend. I stopped doing this after the 3rd one in 3 weeks. She's in and out of love faster than I can write.

Maddie was "Blue Ribbon Student of the Week" this week because she's been doing so well in getting her work done. During the week, she didn't get her morning work done twice and brought it home for homework and lost her homework on the bus and had to re-do it. She's only in 1st grade. We have a long road ahead of us, and I'm definitely going to be too old to deal with all this. After discussing with her the importance of setting an example since she's the Blue Ribbon Student, she prayed, "God, thank you that I am the Blue Ribbon Student. Help me to "be" it." So precious and sincere.

Tony and I were sitting at a gymnastics meet last weekend which happens to be the kind of sport in which we sit for 4 hours in order to watch our daughters compete for 1 minute each on 4 different events. Tony commented on how "sedementary" this sport is. "You mean "sedentary", right? Because, this sport isn't at all dirty." Guess we know where Maddie gets her little mix-up on words, don't we?!

And, me? Well, I have nothing to blab about.


Cindy-Still His Girl said...

I'm so happy to see you back in bloggyland! :) Love the new look, too. :)

And I would love to read ANYTHING you wrote... mundane day to day, deep thoughts, why you love your man, what God is teaching you these days, your favorite salad dressing... ANYTHING from you is interesting to me. :) Love you!

Anonymous said...

You really know how to make me laugh! Ahhhh. Kids. The joy of life! Wonderful blog, Annette. Thanks for being real. I love you! Mom