Thursday, December 27, 2007

Christmas Fun and Festivities, Days 2,3,4

I scanned the entryway of our home. Duffel bags of all shapes and sizes were scattered haphazardly about. Shoes from little and big folk were strewn across the area rugs. Hmmmm...Bella could sure have some fun chewing up and hiding some of these shoes. I inwardly sighed (if that is possible) as I briefly thought about the days I spent cleaning our home and the seconds it was already being trashed. Oh well.

I have this thing, this issue of my house being absolutely perfect for guests...cleaned, vacuumed, dusted...not at all like I normally live. I've realized lately that the only time I REALLY clean is when company is coming! A couple of times a year isn't so bad, is it? I hope I haven't caused some of you dust bunny freaks to go into shock, but that's the way it is around here. In fact, I probably shouldn't go into great detail about the grotesque things growing in my daughter's bathroom before I transformed it. I gently had to tell her that perhaps she should begin cleaning her bathroom a little more often. And, perhaps you can tell me why instead of throwing trash in the trashcan, Alix uses it to decorate her room?

In essence, I spruce up the house for 2 1/2 days while it takes approximately 30 seconds for total destruction to take place. Mind you, I'm really not complaining. Heavens no! I actually enjoy entertaining the Stonger family for Christmas. Cousins play nonstop for two days, open gifts for each other, and actually get along. Siblings play vicious ping pong tournaments, engage in strategic games like Blokus and Spades, and war each other in the Dirty Santa gift exchange. Besides feasting on the best food this side of Lake Monroe, we dialogue in discussions of theology, politics, and whether plastic cups with the family's names on them should be recycled for next year. I seemed to be the object of derision on that topic since I have issues with reused plasticware.
Everyone apparently finds pleasure in having a big slumber party at our house, so they all spend the night and leave some time the next day, which happened to be Christmas Eve. After a big breakfast casserole, fruit salad and homemade Christmas coffee cake, the last Wii boxing games are sparred, the final ping pong games decided and the Spades games are endured. (I say this because I was on the losing team.) For some reason, a few stragglers purposely wait until after the leftover ham lunch is served before trekking back to various points in Indiana. For me, this reduces the number of days I have left with absolutely no cooking. We may have to revisit the check-out time from the Stonger hotel for next year.
By 2:30 pm Christmas Eve day, all was calm and quiet, not a creature was stirring, not even me! In fact, I believe I was on the couch passed out from too much excitement. Either that or I fainted after viewing the disaster in the basement. Still, I picked myself up by my bootstraps and began putting the house back together while Tony and Maddie boxed, bowled and played tennis on Wii.
A perfect ending to a memorable family Christmas culminated in attending the Christmas Eve service. Amid the hustle and bustle of the past few days, cooking and cleaning, giving and receiving gifts, enjoying food and conversation, I was reminded again about the Reason for the season. The baby born at Christmas took on human skin just for me. He was the ultimate gift and for that, I am eternally blessed.

1 comment:

Cindy-Still His Girl said...

You have the gift of hospitality, friend, and I know that your efforts and your spirit and your heart make the holidays more fun and more precious to everyone around you.

I would have smoked you at Spades, btw.