Friday, May 16, 2008

The Crazy Month of May

It's that time of the year. No, not spring, although I'm thrilled that it's finally decided to show up. Nope, not the end of the school year, although I'm ecstatic about not getting that 6:15 wake up call for a few months. What I'm talking about is the "divide and conquer" scenario that husbands and wives do frequently in the month of May. In a world of spring concerts, awards nights, end of the year school carnivals and every other end of the year celebration, there's bound to be some conflicting activities. When one has three children, this can almost be a regular occurrence.

Thus, this past Wednesday evening, my hubby and I enjoyed a leisurely five minute meal before he escorted our youngest to her kids' choir musical. Nick and I skedaddled out of the house several minutes after them to attend his underclassmen awards night. For the life of me, I don't know why the powers that be don't coordinate with my schedule, so that our entire family could celebrate our children's accomplishments.

Proud parent that I am, may I just slip in the four honors Nick was awarded...2 year 4.0 GPA, Outstanding student in Sounds of South, National Honor Society and Outstanding Algebra II student. On a more serious note, I believe next year, I'll have to send the school my calendar so they can schedule these things around my oh-so-busy month.

Another little piece of trivia from the evening is that we be-bopped out of the awards night as soon as Nick was awarded his honors. Before you gasp at me with "I would never do that," please walk a mile in my shoes. With a former last name like "Weston" in which my family waded through the entire alphabet to get to me, you can just imagine the temptation to leave after the name "Carlsberg" was called! So, we gave in and escaped the drudgery so we could use our time more wisely. I believe checking email and eating ice cream cones is a much better use of my time, wouldn't you agree?

Next weekend we get to divide and conquer again when Tony heads to "Gymnastics Awards Night" with the girls, and I enjoy beautiful music courtesy of Sounds of South at their finale in which Nick is singing. One of us will take the camera; one of us will take the video. A few hours later we'll meet back at the homestead for a little recap of our evenings. We'll collapse on the couch and breathe sighs of relief that we have maneuvered through another crazy May.

It's quite possible that you may hear a high-pitched scream for joy Tuesday, May 27 at approximately 2:30 or 3:00 pm belting out, "Yippee, school's out!"


Anonymous said...

I love hearing about your crazy schedule if only to hear how wonderful my grandchildren are doing. You and Tony are amazing parents who are constantly supportive of your children's interests and accomplishments. I just stop and think about how good GOD is in helping you in your parenting, encouraging your kids, and loving them despite sometimes when I'm sure they are not as grateful as you think they should be when you sacrifice your time to make sure they are where they need to be. (ROS) God bless you all! I love you. Mom (Hope this makes sense! Just writin' from my heart!)

Anonymous said...

We skipped soccer and karate tonight *gasp* so we could all attend the kids' end of the year carnival at school together. With this being the only year they will all be in the same school at the same time we had a great time! Tomorrow is back to the rat race with a soccer game and t-ball game within hours of each other. It is a busy but fun time! Love ya lots,

Cindy-Still His Girl said...

You amaze me.