Monday, March 3, 2008

Caught With the Chocolate Calories AGAIN!

Saturday morning, Tony, Maddie and I (the only ones up at that point in the morning) were eating our pancakes and eggs while having a very interesting conversation.

Me: Maddie, what do you want to have to drink?

Maddie: I'll have water 'cause it has lots of calories.

Me: No, it doesn't.

Tony: What do you know about calories, Maddie?

Maddie: Mommy eats her calories.

Me: I do? What calories do I eat?

Maddie: Chocolate calories.

Ahhhhhh, caught again. I should know better than to think I can hide anything from that little sneak. All I can say is I inherited my deep love for chocolate calories. Dark chocolate anyone?


Tina said...

Mmmm...chocolate!!! Who could blame you!?!?

Paula Puckett said...

Tuto Bene has a very scrumptious "Decadent chocolate cake" you can try! Yum.

Pamela (His maidservant) said...

I was sneaking some Dove chocolate last night (my weakness) and almost got caught. The girls know we hide a bag in our bedroom. We have about run out of hiding places. My husbands last comment when he realized his last hiding place has been found was "Isn't anything sacred in this room?". I just laughed because it's become fun! It's a good calorie isn't it? Gotta be!! Have a blessed day and treat yourself!In His Graces~Pamela

Anonymous said...

Wonder where you got that addiction? Could it be GRANDMA WEBB?? or her DAUGHTER? I think that one's genetic. Love you tons. Mom

Scott said...

Chocolate calories don't count, right?
I only know this because I'm married to a woman whose veins flow with rich, dark chocolate.