Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Much Ado about Birds...Again!

While I have openly admitted to being a bird freak in a previous post, I confess there is one bird for which I do not have the warm fuzzies. This happens to be the red-headed woodpecker that for some particular reason enjoys drilling his beak into the gutter directly outside my bedroom window at 6 am. I wouldn't mind this wake-up call during the school year; however, he (I'm assuming it's a "he" because "he" is simply annoying) doesn't actually begin his rat-a-tat-tat until May. It's as if he is doing this on purpose just to be bothersome, and then of course, he flies to the suet feeder to feast on yummy treats. Today, however, I beat him up before his loud drilling sounds began. "Ha," I thought, "You're late today. It's 6:15, and I'm already up!"
Red-bellied Woodpecker

Aside from this furry creature from the pit of you know where, fabulous doings of the bird realm are happenin' at my place. And, I simply love it! Two barn swallows are building their mud nest underneath the deck. I've been watching their progress, and so has Bella, the bird-chasing dog. She peers through the slats of the deck, notices their movement and begins barking like the ferocious bird-hater that she is. While the eggs haven't been laid yet, I look forward to watching the progress and eventually seeing sweet, little baby swallows.
Barn Swallow
I've saved the best for last! For several years, we've provided a bluebird house for those beautiful beings to build their nest, however, until this year, no one has taken up residence. I've been spying on them over the past few days with my trusty binoculars. These bluebirds are busy gathering dried twigs to prepare their nest. Yesterday, Maddie and I opened the box to see what they were doing and saw a nice, neat little nest for those new babies.
I'll be watching like a hawk for the birth of all my new birdies! How thrilling it is that God put these little creatures in my backyard just for me to enjoy!



Anonymous said...

Our barn swallows are back for the fourth year in a row. They are using their same nest as last year that is 20 feet up on a beam above our front entry. We know the eggs have hatched when we find the shells on our front doorstep. And then the poop begins. The front steps have to be hosed off almost daily. That part is annoying but is was very cool to see the mama teaching her babies to fly last year. I think eventually the neighbor cat got them before they learned to fly. Wow, this comment is turning out to be a bummer, huh? Sorry!
BTW, got your voicemail about school being out. Lucky! We still have another three and a half weeks around here before we get out.

Love ya,

Tina said...

Oh my...yea, I'd be 'hot and bothered' about that woodpecker as well! ugh!!

So cool about the bluebirds...fascinating!

(you threw me off with your template change, ha!)

Joni said...

The redneck way to handle that woodpecker is to nail a plastic snake up on your downspout! That's the way my daddy did it anyway. ;)

I love barn swallows...they are and lovely.

Paula Puckett said...

Listen to this bird tale: Our neighbors have a round hole in the front of their house where a woodpecker practiced his craft. The hole has been there for more than a year. One day I politely asked whether or not they realized it was there. They did. Well, the other night we had company for dinner and we all noticed that birds were flying in and out of their house! The birds have obviously nested in there. Can you imagine? I've had a hard time believing they've not fixed it. Perhaps they will when the birds drill through into their bedroom?