Tuesday, September 25, 2007

When Life is Faster Than a Speeding Bullet

"Busy, Busy dreadfully busy

You've no idea what I have to do

Busy, busy, shockingly busy

Much, much too busy for you" (Veggie Tales song)

This has been my mantra for the last week; hence, no time to even write a blog entry! With 3
tennis matches, 2 football "cheer" games, kids' choir and 4 gymnastic practices, I had to remind
myself to breathe. I'm pooped, and I didn't even ace a serve, perform a stunt, sing a note or soar
over the vault table. I'm serious, this taxi-driving takes its toll on a person's body not to mention
your mind. There's some complicated pondering before driving that takes place.

For example, one must determine the best order in which to drop off and pick up children and how at times to be in two places at once. I can't even begin to tell how many times one child calls to say they are ready to be picked up from a practice, and I have to tell them to wait 30 minutes. I can hear the frustration on the other end of the line. My response, "I'm sorry, there is only one of me driving here, so if you can get a ride home, that'd be great!"

I think I'm beginning to understand why I took all that complicated math in high school...so I had the ability to calculate the fastest routes through the city. I know all the shortcuts from the gymnastics club to South, Jackson Creek and Kroger. I can maneuver the back routes to Wal-Mart for a quick shopping trip if need be. (Aside: as a rule of thumb, I really try to avoid Wal-Mart at all costs.) I apologize to all of you Wal-Marters...I happen to prefer Target. It's a much happier place.

Needless to say, I believe I'm in a hurry much of my day. A friend of mine would diagnose my condition as "hurry sickness". Well, at this particular time in my life, she is absolutely correct. With 3 active children, only allowed in one sport each, but with a myriad of school and church activities, how can I not be driving myself crazy? I have to force myself to s...l...o...w d...o...w...n. I need to take time to bask in God's presence and be refreshed by His Word. Otherwise, I begin to go into "survival" mode and feel this ominous sense that this hurry-crazed life is going to overwhelm me and bury me.

When I inhale His words of life to me and ask for His Holy Spirit to fill me to the brim, I am renewed. I can actually prioritize my day better and ask Him to order my steps. Sure, I stillhave to tote those kids everywhere, but my perspective is much better. I look at my "to do" list and realize that the items not crossed off can wait. I'd rather be watching Nick play tennis, Alix throw her back tuck during cheer and Maddie do her back handspring on the floor. I'd rather spend time at an IU Football game with my husband even if they are trampled by the opposing team. I'd rather actually sit down and view the Colts game with my family instead of looking at snippets as I work in the kitchen. So, these are the activities I enjoyed in this crazy, whirlwind of a week.

In the middle of some wild, behind the wheel maneuvering to get across town (sorry if I cut you off), there was rest and delight as I had the great privilege of beholding the greatest treasures God has ever given me using the gifts that God has given them. What joy fills my soul.

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