Tuesday, September 4, 2007

More Maddie

This evening at dinner, Maddie shared, "Did you know that you can eat on the bus? On the way home, I shared my lunch with my friend." This is because her friends actually eat their lunch at school. My daughter chooses to talk and get to recess more quickly so that she must eat on the way home. Tony and I asked her which friend she gave some of her food to. "I don't remember her name." My husband and I glanced at each other because this is an ongoing problem with her of not remembering her friends' names. Noticing our looks, she said, "What? You know I never remember people's names!"

We howled because this is her father's trait...forgetting people's names.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We just started school today. I have already started the sermons with Josh about eating his lunch to give his body energy to make it through the whole school day. At least Maddie is bringing home what she doesn't eat. Josh just throws his away much to my dismay! No matter how many talks I give about the starving children in Africa, he still sees recess as more important than eating. Why do the schools combine the two!?!?!?!?!?