Wednesday, August 29, 2007

The Quotable Madisen

Occasionally, Miss Maddie confuses her words; this is a trait that she has inherited from her father. It's quite cute at age 6, however. Maddie announced as we were driving home from gymnastics a couple of nights ago that she wanted baked potatos for dinner. I told her that dinner was already prepared and baked potatos were not on the menu. "Well, when are we going to have mashed potatos?" "Probably at Thanksgiving, Maddie." (It's a once a year tradition in our house--too much work.) Maddie then whined, "Well, I like that syrup that goes on them." Yep, me too, Maddie, me too!

Yesterday Maddie informed me that her friend, Hannah, received an ipod for her birthday. Just as thoughts began to assail me that someone would actually give their 6-year-old an ipod for her birthday, Maddie clarified that it was her big friend Hannah on the bus. "You know, Mom, she was 12 and she just turned 11." Now, there's a trend I'd like to begin at age 43...going back in age each birthday!


Anonymous said...

That's hilarious about the ipod. Luke just informed me last night that when he turns six he wants an ipod, a telephone and a computer. Could it be that his almost 12 year old sister is having an influence on him? NAH!!!!

Gayle said...

So if I went backwards, how young could I be now? Hmmm. I like the concept.

I saw in your sidebar that you are reading Love and Respect. Hubs and I went to that seminar and it was just awesome!

Another INCREDIBLE book is For Women Only by Shaunti Feldhahn. WOW, what an eye opener. My husband would cry as I read him chapters out of it, because it was so right on! She references Love and Respect in her book alot.

Cindy-Still His Girl said...

I love that Maddie is good for blog fodder. I had no doubt that she would be! :)