Saturday, August 25, 2007

Space Cadet-itis

"A condition in which one momentarily spaces out and does something stupid due to not paying attention. Occurs most of the time with blondes but may also happen with those of different hair color."

It appears that I have not only inherited this condition from one of my ancestors, but I have also unfortunately passed this trait to one of my daughters. I'm afraid, however, that my 13-year-old has a more severe case than I had at her age, unless my 43-year-old mind has blocked out all the bad memories of my airheadedness during my teen years. I do believe that this condition improves with maturity. Occasionally, I do have relapses, though.

For example, just last week at the Target Starbuck's counter, I ordered a grande light Cafe Vanilla Frappacino, while at the same time fumbling in my wallet to give Maddie two quarters to buy a cookie at the other counter. Directly after ordering and giving the coins to her, I left the register to wait for my drink at the other counter. When I glanced over at the girl standing behind the register, she said, "Uh, it's $4.62." I apparently completely spaced out about paying for my drink in the confusion over the quarters. I apologized profusely siting my "space cadet-itis" condition to her as the reason for my negligence in paying. She seemed to know exactly what I was talking about.

Just yesterday morning while I was preparing to apply my make up, I was deep in deep as a blonde can be. I reached for my toner and a cotton ball and began smoothing it across my face when I realized I had inadvertently grabbed the nail polish remover. Did you know that they have about the same smell? "What a space cadet!" I said to the face in the mirror.

While this airhead condition I have seems to have diminished over the years, it's quite clear that I will be cursed with episodes and relapses that occur out of the blue, when I least expect it. It creeps up on me at unsuspecting times; you know, the times when I am frantically searching for my keys when I suddenly realize that I am holding them.


Cindy-Still His Girl said...

Yup, definitely a condition with blondes... this redhead certainly would NEVER do something like that. But don't ask Scott or my girls.

gettingreal said...

I could so hear you telling this story in my head as I read it, especially the comment about the keys. I share your pain in that area!