Sunday, September 7, 2008

Grave Matters

Last weekend on our way up to Lake Tippecanoe to spend the weekend at Tony's brother's lake house, we stopped by Tony's dad's grave. Our youngest, Maddie, hadn't recalled ever being there, so we decided to show her. She's heard a lot about Grandpa Stonger even though he died years before Tony and I met and married.

As we strolled through the tiny cemetery surrounded by cornfields on three sides, we perused the graves looking at names and dates. Maddie was extremely curious why her grandpa was buried in this particular place. After explaining that the location was conveniently close to where the family used to live, she spouted, "You know where I'm going to be buried?" Wondering what that busy little mind was up to now, we asked, "No, where?"

"In the backyard!" she exclaimed. Of course, why didn't we think of that?!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If anyone could pull it off it would be Maddie! I pray for you EVERY DAY!