Friday, June 20, 2008

A Dozen Eggs We Won't Be Eating!

The count is in...12 eggs total in three birds' nests in our yard! Peering through the deck slats, Maddie counted 4 eggs in the barn swallow's nest. Mommy bluebird is sitting on 5 eggs (and they are blue)! We were very sorry to have disturbed her tending to her eggs when we opened the bluebird box. There are 3 eggs (I think) in a nest we just found tucked into the corner of our arbor, hidden by our Wisteria. I don't even know which bird formed the perfectly round twigs, but it's most likely a Robin's nest. So, there you have it! We have a bird sanctuary right in our own backyard.

Not only that, but just a few short weeks ago, my hubby built a waterfall/pond for us to enjoy, complete with water plants and goldfish. After looking at the design of one at our local nursery, he built it in two weekends. It helps that we live in limestone country and can simply pick up rock anywhere. It beats buying flagstone at $4 a piece! Take a look at our lovely new addition to our backyard. It's not a pool, but at least we have a water view!


Anonymous said...

Did you take out the arbor? Looks nice! Good job, Tony! The Mom

Paula Puckett said...

It's beautiful in person and in the photo. I'm very impressed.