Saturday, January 5, 2008

The Boys are Back in Town (well, almost)

Tonight is THE night...the night when my boys get back in town. Sounds almost like a song, doesn't it? We three girls have been livin' it up...stayin' up late, gettin' up late and eating all microwavable food. It's been great for the last 8 days, but I'm ready for my man to get back.

It'll be nice to get back to two sleeping in a king-size bed. I know that a couple of blogs ago I said that I was NOT sleeping with both of my girls in that bed anymore, but you know, I'm really a softie and couldn't bear the thought of one of them sleeping clear at the other end of the house. Let me tell you, it can be a long, scary walk in the middle of the night if you need momma. Alas, I caved in, and we've been sleeping together all week ~ except for the night Alix had 3 of her friends spend the night and slept downstairs. I use the word "sleep" loosely since they finally crashed at 4 am.

Still, even after we painted Alix' room and redecorated, that 13-year-old girl wanted to hang out in mom's room. Since I'm not sure how long that will last, I welcome every opportunity to have her sleep in my bed with me. Whatever her reasons, not wanting to be the lone person snoozing at the other side of the house or her bed still piled high with knick knacks to be sorted, I don't care! She still wants to be with me! And, Maddie? Well, she's practically glued to me, so I don't think I could pry her away.

It's the end of the all girl party and back to the co-ed family that we are. It's also back to school, schedules and arising at 6:30 am (oh, joy)! It's back to cooking real food that is actually healthy. While I am not excited about any of that stuff, I am elated to see my hubby and son. I know they have much to relate regarding their adventure in Guatemala. They've taken zillions of pictures of children which I plan to share in one of my blogs.

We girls have had an important role in their trip south...we've been praying. Every night we've prayed that they would have an impact there, that they would connect with these children, that their hearts would be moved, that God would speak specifically to their hearts what He wants them to know, that they would be changed. So, I can hardly wait to hear what God has done in their lives and the lives of those Guatemalans because of Tony's and Nick's sacrifice to go to a place out of their comfort zones.

Until then...I must post this excerpt and get my children movin' in the direction of their OWN beds tonight. Night, night!


Joni said...

Can't wait to hear about the trip and see those pix!

Mocha with Linda said...

Hope your guys had a great trip. Where in Guatemala were they? My sister was a 2-year missionary there (20 years ago).

Thanks for stopping by my blog! It's nice to "meet" you!

Paula Puckett said...

I am so glad to hear that they are home safely, and to hear how well it went. Your descriptions on the phone today had me teary already. I can't wait to see the photos too!

Annette said...

My boys were in Chemaltenango, Guatemala at Agua Viva Children's Home...near Antigua and Guatemala City. Glad to meet you "Mocha with linda" and look forward to finding out more about you!

Anonymous said...

Hey, don't fall over, I read your blog entry!!! Can't wait to hear about the boys' trip and how they were changed -- cool! xo xo ee