Tuesday, January 20, 2009

An Unexpected Gift

I love surprises! The other day, I trudged up the stairs after my elliptical exercise with Fox and Friends and noticed a large box sitting at the top. I deduced that Maddie intercepted the mysterious box from the delivery man while I was preoccupied with my heavy breathing on the machine downstairs. I was puzzled because I knew that I hadn't ordered anything...lately! Noticing my parent's return address on the label, I concluded that mother was sending Maddie's birthday gift early...at least 3 weeks early. Strange!

Then, I opened the box and discovered this: a beautiful birdhouse masterpiece!

I immediately burst into tears. You see, it was a gift from my daddy! Out of the blue. No reason. Simply love. A few months ago, he revealed that he was working on some birdhouses for the Christian school auction. I commented in passing that I would love to have one of his birdhouses. It never occurred to me that I would receive a gift in the mail. My daddy loves me. He thought of me. He gave me...not a birthday gift or a Christmas gift...but a love gift. Thank you, daddy! I can't wait to see the birds that will use this beautiful home to build their nests.

If my earthly father gives me such sweet and precious gifts, how much more does my heavenly Father give me? I pray that my eyes will be opened to all of them...


Anonymous said...

Your Dad was so blessed by what you wrote about the gift of the bird house. He'd give you the moon if possible. Have a wonderful day, dear daughter. You are so loved. Mom

Joni said...

Precious post, friend. You are blessed. Love you!

Paula Puckett said...

That's a treasure! love u too!

Pamela (His maidservant) said...

This is a beautiful example from an earthly father how our heaveny Father works. The gift doesn't stop hee..you will be blessed to watch God's creations enjoy this too!

In his Graces~Pamela